Model Farm, Saskatchewan
Model Farm, Saskatchewan
Geradine Woitas remembers funeral rituals from the Patronage of the Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church, in Model Farm, SK. In the 1960s, when her step-grandpa passed away, people held an overnight vigil over the body. Gerardine remembers that the priest came to the house for prayers the night before the service. After he left, one man stayed to keep vigil over the body all night, reading prayers. The next morning, the hearse came and brought the body to the church for the funeral service. Gerardine also remembers that, where her dad lived, people would come to the house with the church banners on the day of the funeral and the body would be carried to the gravesite rather than transported on a wagon or a hearse.
Picture of John-Paul Himka, Frances Swyripa, Natalie Kononenko, Gerardine Woitas and Mike Woitas; Patronage of the Mother of God Ukrainian Catholic Church.
Model Farm(approximate location) |