Sanctuary Project Sound File Database
There is now a preliminary version of the Sanctuary Project Sound File Database. The University of Alberta Library is currently working on a slicker, more attractive site.
This database is fully functional. The explanation that follows is to help users until the Library completes its work.
When one clicks on the database, the opening page has three main categories on the left: calendar rites, church, rites of passage. All have subcategories. Thus, if one clicks on rites of passage, one sees baptism, death rites, folk beliefs, funerals, pregnancy, and weddings. These appear on the righthand side of the page. Most have further subcategories, should the user desire more detailed information. At any point the previous upper category can be reached by clicking “Back to —-“.
In the middle of the page, at whatever level, are the sound files themselves. The are listed by place, church, if that is the location of the recording, and province. The names of the speakers are listed in a separate database that is not currently available.
Click on the desired sound file. The recording will begin at the point where the chosen topic is discussed. It is possible to scroll back or to use the back 30 seconds button.
Use Google NOT Firefox to listen to the Sound Files
To go to the preliminary version of the Sanctuary Project Sound File Database CLICK HERE
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