Sanctuary Project Sound Files

The University of Alberta has now incorporated the Sound Sanctuary Files into their audio/video website under the Aviary Platform. The link to this is below.

In the “Search” box you can type a topic you want to search for such as: weddings, Christmas, clergy, carols, cemeteries. Then hit Enter on your computer.

You can also type the name of a place or person in Alberta or Saskatchewan.

For example: If you type in Easter you get 139 recordings

If you add basket you get 84 recordings

If you add eggs, meaning which recordings talked about: Easter basket eggs you get 10 recordings

If you then add the place Myrnam you get 1: Interview with Karen Kitt Colford, 2014-06-23

If you click on this Interview you see a Description of the interview and the topics discussed.

If you then click on Index you see the times at which each topic was discussed and clicking on one of them plays the recording from that point in the interview. Other topics in the list can also be played.

To go to the new version of the Sanctuary Project Sound File Database CLICK HERE

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